1 117
1 680
54 071
Owner Zyno
Status offline
IP zyno.mc-world.xyz
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.8.x
Rank 1108
Votes 0
Uptime -100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types Skyblock

Hello! Welcome to the server user! Here I'll tell you how this works from rules and how to play. First the rules we follow: No cursing(excessively)/racial slurs (common sense), No disrespecting people, No fighting in public, No Griefing/Raiding, No Hacking. The main things needed are common sense, you may swear just not so much that it's considered spam. Make sure you also follow what a admin/staff member may ask of you (These apply to everyone). Ranks are little buffs for people they can be obtained by using money; these involve: VIP, VIP+, MVP, MVP+. Each rank gives you a special username addition these include things such as /tags, tags are little emblems to the left of your user. Benefits from each rank are given to each user, letting them sell the items if you so desire. Common commands to help you include /spawn, /shop, /warp, and the gui in the ninth slot, right click this gui and it shows different things you can access. Now to get started on your island you do /is, this signifies going to your island spawn. Now to gain money you need a job, these jobs can be found in the gui in the ninth slot! Right click the gui to gain different additions, addons, etc. We also have many unique leveling system, bosses, and dungeons. You need to grind your way to the top! Hope to see you all online!