1 186
1 848
54 071
AriCraft MC Network
Owner FireDragonKnight
Status offline
IP aricraft.playit.gg
Discord Join Discord
Website https://www.youtube.com/c/AriYu0816
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.18.x
Rank 715
Votes 1
Uptime -100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country Hong Kong
Types Mini GamesSurvivalPvPEconomyParkour

[AriCraft] Minecraft Server (Java):
Version: Latest Release
IP: aricraft.playit.gg / item-minimum.craft.playit.gg
Games: Survival Games, TNTRun, SMP, Murder Mystery...
Basic Commands: (/spawn = going back to the main lobby) (/sg lobby = going to survival games lobby) (/tntrun lobby = going to tntrun lobby) (/tpa "username" = send a teleportation request to the player) (/tpahere "username" = send a request to the player to teleport to you) (/tpaccept = accepts the teleportation request from the player) (/tpadeny = rejects the teleportation request from the player) (/tpacancel = cancel your sent out teleportation request) (/bal = check your money balance) (/tell "username" "message" = message the player privately)