1 108
1 664
54 071
Hard Mode Plus
Owner KermitSewer
Status offline
IP hardmodeplus.apexmc.co
Discord Join Discord
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.15.x
Rank 484
Votes 4
Uptime -100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types SurvivalEconomyFactionsTownsPvE

Hey guys, I have a 2 month old server with some plugins/datapacks and a decent number of active players, but looking to add to that number. We have a number of players who are far along in terms of progression and can easily catch new players up to speed. We also have a Discord where important server updates and information about the plugins and datapacks are. The plugins we've added are mainly to make the game more interesting and difficult, while also extending the endgame. I hold votes in the Discord on possible changes to the server or its additions. I also plan to run this server long-term, for at least the next year or so.

What we have:

-Multiple communities of players scattered across the world (and lone wolves)

-Collabs on large projects

-An abandoned player-created village for new players

-An anarchy-type spawn and a safezone with rules, which is easy enough to get out of

-Treecapitator, Multiplayer Sleep, Plugins that add bosses, minibosses, and more quality of life additions

Looking for active players, preferably 18+. Message narm#4323 on Discord or comment your Discord name if interested. Looking forward to playing with you all!