1 110
1 666
54 071
Heese SMP
Owner NedHuman
Status online
IP vmc.heesesmp.com
Discord Join Discord
Website https://heesesmp.com
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.18.x
Rank 24
Votes 1200
Uptime 100%
Last Check Check Pending
Country United Kingdom
Types SurvivalPvPPvE

Q: How do i join?
A: It's simple, server version is 1.20.2. IP: vmc.heesesmp.com
Make sure to read our rules upon joining as not following them may get you permanently banned from the server.
You can connect with bedrock by joining our discord and reading instructions in ⁠bedrock-connect channel.

Q: What features does Heese SMP have?
A: We have some plugins/features that enchance player's experience such as:
• Ability to save home and teleport to it
• Ability to mine mob spawners and use them to make farms
• Stargates (portals that you can directly travel to from any other portal)
• CraftBook plugin, which massively extends redstone functionality
• Dynamic server map (map.heesesmp.com)
• Discord bridging (communicate with ingame players on Discord and vice versa)
• /tokenshop, where you can buy commands, extra sethomes, items, kits, etc with tokens that you gain from voting
• No Grief Policy - The server does not use protection plugins, and in case that you have been griefed, report it to us with /griefreport
• Player's Heads drop on death
• Create Shops using the TradeShop plugin
• And more! Feel free to ask a staff member about anything you don't understand

Server rules are listed in ⁠⁠rules channel on the Discord server and in the rules room ingame, which you can teleport to with the /rules command.

Our discord: https://heesesmp.com/discord or https://discord.gg/dRfgKNM66W