1 110
1 667
54 071
Owner TimRyan
Status offline
IP kissmygrits.apexmc.co
Discord Join Discord
Website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8kphL7z-6Y&t=2s
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.15.x
Rank 700
Votes 1
Uptime -100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types FactionsPvPEconomy

BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS!! Compete to become the most wealthy and powerful person on the server. KissMyGrits is a factions server with custom enchants and plugins such as mob rarities, loot crates and more. Weekly competitions with CASH PRIZES. Make sure to become as powerful as possible to win the PRIZES. But most of all HAVE FUN!