1 186
1 848
54 071
The Golden Egg
Owner Starfallx
Status offline
IP thegoldenegg.online
Discord Join Discord
Website https://www.thegoldenegg.info/
Players 0/0
Version Minecraft Java: 1.17.x (Snapshot)
Rank 209
Votes 59
Uptime -100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types SurvivalPvPHardcoreVanillaPvE

The Golden Egg is a place where you can experience the game as it was then! Players have NO access to /teleport or /sethome commands for a truly classic survival experience.

-No Land-Claim
-No Teleport!
-Survival PVP
-No World Reset!

We BAN only the ones trying to disrupt and exploit the server's work!

The server is FREE so everyone can JOIN!

IP: https://www.thegoldenegg.online

How To Join?
1. Download Minecraft 1.18.1
2. Copy & Paste the server address in Multiplayer > Add Server
3. Join and register your username with a password.
4. Enjoy.

The PVP is enabled and there are NO pay-to-win features to provide equality.
You can /vote to receive daily rewards but THAT'S IT! You're on your OWN!

Server Properties

-Gamemode: Survival
-Difficulty Level - HARD
-No commands for players.
-You can /vote to receive daily rewards.
-The PVP is enabled.
-There are NO pay-to-win features to provide equality.
-Enchased Anti-Cheat for a truly classic experience.

Join TheGoldenEgg today and try to become the server KING.